
Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 - Week 1

I had grand plans. Plans that involved having this place looking all spiffy and lovely by the start of the year. And then I was going to post regularly, even daily, from January 1.

But obviously that didn't happen.

My sister and one of my brothers both live in Victoria and both were in Sydney for the Christmas/New Year period. So we spent a lot of time sharing meals, celebrating Christmas, hanging out with family (and friends who are as good as family), playing with all the new toys, watching Lily get more and more hyperactive (she's the only one in her generation and therefore completely spoilt).

We also took advantage of the fact that Graeme was on holidays and made some big steps towards getting our house looking and working more like the home we want it to be. It was fantastic.

Except I started the year 20 weeks pregnant. And I really should have taken it easier. Don't panic. Judging by the kicks, the baby is still just fine. But I am exhausted. I've spent most of this week doing as little as I possibly can. So far this year, I've watched lots of playschool, played with playdoh and lego, read books - of both the picture and novel variety, eaten simply and done a tiny bit of cross-stitch. And that's about it.

Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to share soon.

1 comment:

  1. Kate so glad you found Lori's blog and offer her some help!

